Converting Traub Tx8 -> Tx8D
Converting NC programs for the TRAUB Tx8 control system into Tx8D
This stand-alone program routine facilitates the quick conversion of an NC program for a Tx8 control system into one for the Tx8D control system.
You can download the program, which runs on Windows®, here free of charge (the fact that program is available at the moment only in German language). It comes in the form of a self-extracting EXE file. Please define a suitable directory for this file (e.g. "c:\programs\Tx8Tx8D"), as the program can be run directly without set-up (create desktop link!). The package comes with 3 files:
- Program file "Tx8Tx8D.exe"
- Help file "Tx8Tx8D.hlp" (usable only as a contextual aid)
- User manual text file "Anleitung.txt"
Please follow all hints and advice in the user manual file and if necessary generate a back copy of the CN programs prior to conversion.
The packed conversion routine [Download] (approx. 101 KB)