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Proking 630mm

Machine inspection

- Inspection of machine tools with QC10
- Testing of clamping force, as well as dynamic,
- Laser measuring of machine tools

We have been working with Quickcheck QC10 for over ten years..
We have uncovered and immediately rectified manufacturing errors of < 3my.

With one very simple measurement,
it is possible to report on:Contouring errors

  • Straightness errors
  • Dimension errors
  • Stick-Slip
  • Backlash
  • Guide play
  • Section change-over
  • Cyclic errors
  • Squareness

Dynamic holding force measurement Gripmeter RFG (Radio Frequency Gripmeter)

Test your lathe chuck with a clamping force measuring device that transmits the data by radio frequency to your PC.

The advantages are:

  • No wrong decisions on power chuck or clamping cylinder
  • Status condition-relevant monitoring
  • Evaluation of manufacturing speed limits
  • Eliminate runout errors

Clamping force measurement, yes or no?
First of all, please consider the safety of your employees. Managerial staff and safety officers who are responsible for safety-at-work should not neglect this hazard. In each case, please change your mind with regard to this matter and let us to give you some information.

The rotation of the chuck jaws and the speed used for this, produces enormous centrifugal forces.
The following are the influencing parameters:

  • Weight of the jaw and its mass centre of gravity

  • Speeds of the jaw chuck

  • Distance of the jaw from the centre of rotation

At high speeds, the pressure on the workpiece (i.e. the clamping force) drops by up to 66%. If you have extremely heavy jaws (special chuck jaws) and perhaps have not carried out maintenance for a long time on the power chuck, it is only going to be a matter of time before an accident occurs. Non-serviced chuck loses up to 30% more of power produced by the clamping cylinder.

According to the terms of the DIN EN 1550, the static test is obligatory. Also, the measurement of clamping force during standstill. The maintenance requirements keep the chuck in order. Ideally, only the clamping cylinder and dynamics of the machine along with the chucking situation will remain.

Please clarify any uncertainty factor before it is too late. Before people or machines are harmed.

It will be worth it right from the very first application. To order, you will need to have the following data on hand:

  • Clamping cylinder type and manufacturer's description (length of stroke and clamping piston area in the clamping cylinder)

  • The possibility of reading out the actual pressure on the clamping cylinder

  • Product description for the chuck